Serve God and Provide For Your Family, No Matter What

Hey, I'm Rich Avery. I’m here to help you provide for your family what your ministry income can't. It's never been easier to leverage your ministry know-how into sustainable income through a meaningful business or side hustle. 


Listen to the More Than a Pastor Podcast


Seamless: A Conversation on Spiritual Gifts, Co-vocational Pastors,...

Is John Wesley's Encouragement to "Make All You Can, Save All You C...

Wayne Richards on Habitat for Missions and How God Can Turn Income ...

Ready to Grow Your Income?

Are you one of the many pastors who dreams of supplementing or even replacing your current ministry income?

What’s holding you back? Self-doubt? Fear? Not sure if starting a business or side hustle is really right for you?

Download our free 10-page guide to knowing if starting your own business is right for you. And discover the three most important things every pastor needs to build and grow a successful business.

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Your Church Faces an Uncertain Financial Future. But You Don't Have To!


You've probably already felt it. The church in America is on the leading edge of several major cultural and economic shifts that will shape its future for generations.

Longstanding social, political and religious divisions + the Coronavirus pandemic + a growing distrust of institutional religion by those 30 and under will add up to a sustained, long-term decline in traditional church engagement and giving.

As a result, many churches will no longer be able to survive on tithes and offerings alone. And pastors will need to adapt to a new reality, that...

The 21st Century Church May Look a Lot More Like the 1st Century Church!

As the "traditional" church model of the last 75 years becomes increasingly unsustainable, thousands of churches will have no choice but to cut staff, reduce programming, and even repurpose their buildings. Sadly, many churches will be forced to close their doors for good.

But the churches and pastors who survive and thrive will forge new non-traditional, co-vocational ministry models that reach and serve their communities in a more organic and sustainable way. 

That's Why Now is the Time To Leverage Your Ministry Know-How Into a Profitable, Passion-Based Business.