Danny Davis on Following the "Way of the Shepherd" in Ministry, Writing, and Providing (Part 1)
Jan 07, 2025
Is it really possible for pastors to create income outside the church - even if you're a missionary serving in East Africa? We'll talk about that with special guest Dr. Danny Davis, and we'll discuss his new book, The Way of the Shepherd: From Anxiety to Assurance: Embracing the Timeless Wisdom of Psalm 23, in this episode of the More Than a Pastor Show.
Links for Today's Show
- Danny Davis' New Book: The Way of the Shepherd: From Anxiety to Assurance: Embracing the Timeless Wisdom of Psalm 23
- Danny Davis' Website: www.equippedservant.com
- Platform Launchers: Online Business Blueprint
- Like My Show and Want to Support it? Buy Me a Coffee
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Introducing Danny Davis
I’m excited to have my friend Dr. Danny Davis join us on the show today and in our next episode. The discussion was so good and packed with valuable insights that I couldn't fit it into one episode.
I first met Danny through the Platform Launchers community hosted by Pastor John Stange back probably three years ago, and was blessed to discover that Danny was a long-time church planter and missionary who was on a journey to creating new income pathways as a writer.
As a missions pastor myself for many years, Danny's story really resonates with me, and it fuels my passion to help missionaries find new ways to self-fund their ministry outside the traditional missions funding model, which is becoming more difficult to sustain.
In this conversation...
- Danny and I talk about his 30+ years in ministry as a pastor, church planter, missionary, and equipper, and how he began to leverage his ministry experience into books and other resources that inspire and bless others and generate multiple streams of income.
- I also ask Danny why he feels strongly about pastors creating income outside the church. His answer might surprise you.
- He takes us into the backstory behind his new book, The Way of the Shepherd: From Anxiety to Assurance: Embracing the Timeless Wisdom of Psalm 23. And we explore why the message of Psalm 23 is needed in the church, and in our world, now more than ever.
And FYI, in the next episode, part 2 of our conversation, Danny shares valuable insights he's learned on his journey as a self-published author, and how any pastor can create sustainable income as a writer. You won't want to miss it.
To learn more about Danny please visit: www.equippedservant.com. And now let’s get to part 1 of our conversation with Danny Davis.
Danny Davis on Following the Way of the Shepherd into Ministry, Writing, and Financialy Providing
Danny and his wife Sherry have served in ministry for more than 30 years. Straight out of college and newly married, they jumped into ministry with zero experience, a lot of faith, and a willingness to figure things out as they went.
Almost 20 of those years have been in Africa, where they pastored and planted several churches. Then the Lord led them back to the U.S. to turn around an 85-yr old small-town Missouri church on the brink of closure.
After 8 years of there, the Lord led them back to Africa, to Uganda, where they’ve launched the Uganda School of Ministry with Assemblies of God World Missions, to train pastors and church planters for rural communities.
Through all the ups and downs, there’s been one constant: A deep love for storytelling.
It started for Danny in grade school when a teacher handed each student four pieces of typewriter paper and asked them to write and illustrate their own short book.
When the manuscripts were finished, she took the time to bind them with cardboard covers, stick on Dewey Decimal labels, and put them in the school library.
That experience has stuck with Danny for a lifetime. But the confidence to actually call himself a writer? That took decades to develop.
Discovering Writing as an Extension of Ministry
It wasn’t until six years ago that Danny realized the stories and lessons he'd picked up along the way in ministry might actually inspire and encourage others too.
His first book came from his doctoral research on how dying churches can be revitalized. A small publisher helped Danny turn this academic project into a book that was more practical and accessible for pastors.
Then Danny discovered the world of self-publishing, and he quickly immersed himself in learning how to build a successful and profitable platform as a self-published author, and how to launch his own publishing imprint.
Today, writing has become an extension of Danny's pastoral ministry: A way to share the valuable lessons and insights he's learned over 30+ years, while still staying rooted in the work he loves: Serving people, building communities, empowering leaders, and sharing stories that inspire transformation.
Exploring Writing as an Income Source
Writing has also become a way for Danny to leverage his pastoral experience into a sustainable business that generates multiple streams of income for his family.
The need for creating income outside of his ministry salary became clear when Danny began to take a serious look at his retirement fund.
“I realized I was behind the curve,” Danny said, regarding his retirement planning. “I needed to find a way to take what I’m already doing and turn it into something that could grow into a business. Writing was the perfect fit.”
His books allow him to continue his ministry equipping work in Uganda while encouraging and reaching people far beyond his current context. But Danny has discovered that making writing a viable income stream takes more than just passion; it demands focus and hard work.
“You have to approach it like a business,” Danny explains. “That means learning how to market your work, constantly improving your writing skills, and being consistent in producing content. It’s spiritual content, but it’s also a product. If you want it to support your family, you have to treat it with the same seriousness as any other business.”
Danny’s commitment to blending ministry with marketplace strategies has positioned him to not only serve others through his writing but also begin to build financial stability for his family.
Why Creating Multiple Streams of Income Matters for Pastors Like Danny
I'm sure you didn't step into ministry for the money — I know I didn't. But financial challenges and frustrations unique to pastor life are often the top reasons many pastors choose to leave.
Danny experienced some of these frustrations first-hand, but instead of giving up, he decided to take action.
Pastors are Often Unprepared for Retirement
When Danny entered ministry in his early twenties, retirement planning was the furthest thing from his mind, he said. Like many pastors, his focus was on serving his community, sharing the Gospel, and meeting the immediate needs of his congregation. However, decades later, he realized a hard truth: the churches he had served didn’t have the resources to offer retirement plans like 403(b)s or IRAs.
Now in his mid-fifties, Danny reflects on those years and the missed opportunities to build a financial safety net. “If I could go back to my younger self, I’d say, ‘Just put that $25 away. Skip the dinner out.’ But in the moment, those things didn’t seem urgent.” For him, writing books has become more than a creative outlet—it’s a strategy to build a supplemental income stream to support his family and prepare for the future.
Pastors Often Struggle to Make Ends Meet on Ministry Salary
Danny’s story isn’t unique. Many pastors find themselves working bi-vocationally, balancing part-time roles in the church with jobs outside ministry to make ends meet. This reality often leaves little room for savings or long-term planning. “For most of my ministry in the States, I was splitting time between part-time church work and other jobs. Those companies didn’t offer benefits, and I wasn’t in a position to set aside much for retirement,” Danny explains.
Danny acknowledges that many pastors face similar financial struggles. They pour everything into their ministries, often at the expense of their own financial stability. “A lot of pastors I know feel the tension. They want to provide for their families and be generous givers, but their incomes don’t always allow them to do both.”
Pastors Can Create a Pathway to Financial Freedom
The good news is that creating additional income streams, whether through writing, teaching, or other pursuits, can provide pastors with financial freedom and peace of mind. Danny emphasizes that this isn’t about stepping away from ministry—it’s about being a good steward of the skills and resources God has already provided.
Danny’s journey hasn’t been without challenges. While he hasn’t faced much external criticism, he admits to battling self-doubt. “Sometimes, the biggest pushback comes from me,” he says. “I’d convince myself that people would say no or criticize what I was doing before I even gave them the chance.”
He’s also dealt with criticism from other ministers who nitpicked his work, which once caused him to stop writing altogether. “I had to remind myself that their negativity wasn’t about me—it was about them. I’ve learned to seek constructive feedback, but not let criticism hold me hostage.”
Danny’s story is a powerful reminder that pastors are not immune to financial struggles, and that God may have already provided us with skills and resources that we could leverage into additional income streams.
“Whether it’s writing books, doing plumbing jobs, or teaching classes, what matters is that you have integrity,” he says. “Be upfront with your congregation, and don’t let your side pursuits take away from your primary ministry responsibilities.”
He also credits the support of a congregation that valued his growth and saw his endeavors as an extension of his calling. “I’ve been fortunate to have leadership that understood the balance between ministry and personal development. Not everyone has that, but being transparent and accountable goes a long way.”
Pastors Can Tap into Resources God Has Already Provided
For pastors like Danny, creating additional income streams isn’t just about money—it’s about stewardship. It’s about using the gifts, skills, and opportunities God has provided to care for their families and continue their ministries in a sustainable way.
Danny’s journey is still unfolding, but his determination and faith are leading the way. “We pray for provision, but sometimes the answer is already in our hands. It’s up to us to steward it well and trust God with the results.”
Be sure to check out part two of this conversation where we dive into Danny's pathway to self-publishing, key insights on nonfiction writing and self-publishing success, and 6 keys for building a profitable writing platform.
The Way of the Shepherd: From Anxiety to Assurance; Embracing the Timeless Wisdom of Psalm 23
"Do we really need ANOTHER book on Psalm 23?" That's exactly what I thought when I first heard that Danny had written The Way of the Shepherd.
I believe the answer is Yes! And Danny Davis is just the person to write this book!
A Fresh Look at Psalm 23 from an African Perspective
I love Danny's story of how he was inspired to take a fresh look at Psalm 23 while preparing to teach a hermeneutics class to missionaries. In his research, he discovered a commentary sharing an African scholar's interpretation of Psalm 23.
Looking at the passage from an African context sparked a new understanding for him, reshaping an all-too-familiar passage into a profound personal spiritual journey.
Traditionally, Danny had viewed Psalm 23 as an idyllic expression of God's comfort and peace.
Falling in Love with Psalm 23 Again
But as he looked deeper, he noticed a beauty and structure within the psalm that he fell in love with, which mirrored the struggles of the human experience and how God meets us in those struggles.
David’s declaration, “The Lord is my shepherd,” takes on new weight when understood as a cry born out of anxiety and need. The psalm walks through a process—from turmoil and longing to reconciliation with God and, ultimately, peace.
This realization hit home for Danny, especially in a time marked by anxiety and uncertainty. “We live in such a tumultuous time,” he explains, “where anxiety is through the roof, even for believers. Psalm 23 became a reminder of what we often overlook in its familiarity: That we’re reconciled to the Father, and in that reconciliation, we’re empowered by Christ’s presence in us.”
For Danny, this renewed perspective on Psalm 23 wasn’t just theoretical—it was practical and personal. During a challenging season of his own, when governmental restrictions kept him from his ministry in East Africa, this psalm became a lifeline. “I would wake up every day, frustrated by where I couldn’t be, and let Psalm 23 wash over me,” he reflects. “It reminded me that no matter the circumstance, I have a Shepherd who leads, guides, corrects, and loves me.”
Danny’s experience underscores an important truth we know as pastors but sometimes, even we forget: Familiar scriptures can still hold untapped treasures.
A Book I Didn't Know I Needed
I'll be honest. Way of the Shepherd was a book I didn’t know I needed.
My first time through, I started to read it for the "task" of preparing for my interview of Danny and eventually writing a review for this podcast and blog. But I quickly realized I needed to read it again, not just for the "information" inside the book, but for whatever "transformation" God wanted to do inside of me.
I'd been going through a season of setbacks, disappointments, unmet expectations, and unrealized dreams - personally, ministry-wise, and financially. I didn't know I needed to encounter Psalm 23 again and there find the Shepherd who can meet me and guide me through those frustrating moments and transform every aspect of my life with his peace as I learn to trust him more.
I really enjoyed Way of the Shepherd, and think it could be one of those books I choose to read again year after year.
The book lends itself as a devotional designed for easy reading and meaningful reflection. Each of the 18 chapters is filled with scriptural insights and memorable stories from Danny's decades of ministry as a pastor and missionary.
My advice: Don’t rush it. Read it a chapter a day. Engage with the reflection questions. Ask God to help you see Psalm 23, and your anxiety, struggles, or pain, with fresh eyes. I think you’ll be glad you did.
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